Teenagers Program
This program is offered for teenagers who have not attended formal religious classes. The program is organized into modules so that teenagers can easily follow it.
This program is conducted in Malay.
Program Objectives
Understand, appreciate and apply the core disciplines of Islam
Become individuals with good conduct, progressive and capable to contribute to the society
Obtained a broader picture about Islam
Students aged 13 years and above
4 years
Once a week
1 hr 15 mins per session
Aqidah & Cleanliness
Fasting & Prayers
Charity & Advanced Prayers
Akhlaq & Sirah
Andalus provides an online platform in our education process in line with technology.
It allows students to read and complete their assignments online anywhere and anytime. Parents are also encouraged do this activity together.
Education Path
Students can continue their education by joining the Islam for Adult program once they completed this 3 year program. Students are also given the opportunity to continue studying in the part-time Diploma program.
Program Fee
The registration fee for this program is $20.00, payable once during the registration. The monthly fee is $51.
Fee does not include books and supplementary notes.
See also: